Winter’s Arrival

“Looks like

She holds steamy mug
with both hands.
The scene from the
warm white-light
framed picture window
warns of winter’s
western approach.

Patches of pink
mingled with 
blue, black.
Billowing clouds
reflect sun’s glow
as it crosses
beneath horizon.

“How much
do you think
will fall?”

“Forecast says six
to eighteen inches.”

He doesn’t bother
looking up
from book
when he speaks.
He has become 
accustomed to this ritual.
He reads 
his stories 
as he sits
in comfortable
recliner kids
gifted him
upon retirement.

She stands
at window and watches
stories unfolding
on street
just steps
from their
cozy front room.

He listens
to participate
in dear wife’s
Just enough.

to cover 
those weeds,
I hope.”

She lifts her chin
as she looks
at tousled track
of land next door.
Subtle hints of contempt
invade the normally
sweet strain of 
her soothing voice.

“It makes 
the rest
of the us
look so
so trashy.”

He is tempted 
to say more,
what’s the point?
Expressing true thoughts
surely leads
to injured affections.
The remainder
of the evening
would be uncomfortably
…but quiet.

Easier to
mumble approval
and continue
on his stories.
He tolerates
white noise
his wife provides
as mind escapes
into his stories
in his precious books.

of snow.
I hope roads
are clear.
I hate the thought 
of kids traveling
in bad weather.”

This time
he looks up
from book
to observe
winter scene 
and swirling outside.

“They’ll be fine.
We’ll have 
a great Christmas


Missed the first part? Check it out here: Three houses. Up next: Bless This Mess.

About TheOtherKLM

Hey there! I'm K.L. McDaniel, an introverted extrovert who's into fitness with a bit of a twist and always shuffling through life's organized clutter. Here at TheOtherKLM, I dive into everything that makes us tick—from the quiet corners of introverted minds to the sweat and joy of staying active, all while keeping our mental game strong. I'm all about contradictions that somehow make perfect sense. Think of me as your go-to for exploring how to learn endlessly, live healthily, and think deeply, all without losing our collective minds. It's not just about fitness or learning; it's about finding balance in the chaos and connecting in the most unexpected ways. So, if you're into making sense of life's beautiful mess with me, stick around. We're in for a journey of learning, laughing, and maybe a bit of dancing... metaphorically speaking, of course.
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3 Responses to Winter’s Arrival

  1. Pingback: Dark and Stormy – The Other KLM

  2. Pingback: Night Visions – The Other KLM

  3. Pingback: Three houses - The Other KLM

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